What You Need to Know Before Buying a Timeshare
With the weather warming and the beginning of spring at hand, many consumers are starting to consider their summer vacation plans. Some may even purchase timeshares. Read these tips before
you consider a timeshare. 
The content of this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only, and is not legal advice. Readers should be aware that while certain principles outlined on this site may be similar to principles followed in their own state or province, laws can vary considerably. © Copyright 2012 Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. d/b/a LegalShield℠ One Pre-Paid Way, Ada, Oklahoma 74820 www.mylegalshield.com

- Look at the big picture. Make sure you understand the full cost of the timeshare, the yearly maintenance fees, terms and conditions. Ask a lot of questions and do not accept vague answers. If a sales person is vague or evasive, walk away.
- It is a buyer’s market. Like the housing market, there are currently more timeshares for sale than there are buyers. Shop around, you may be able to purchase at a discount.
- A timeshare is not an investment. Buying a timeshare is similar to buying a car in that the value will not increase after your purchase. Purchase a timeshare because you want to use it, not because you want to invest your money.
- Ignore high-pressure sales tactics. Timeshare sales can be full of gimmicks and free giveaways, but you should not purchase a timeshare because of a free TV. Make sure it is the timeshare you are buying into and not the sales tactics.
- Do not be afraid to walk away. By walking away from a high-pressure salesperson, you can take control.
- Before you sign anything have your documents reviewed and talk to your LegalShield provider law firm. Take advantage of your LegalShield membership and call today!
The content of this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only, and is not legal advice. Readers should be aware that while certain principles outlined on this site may be similar to principles followed in their own state or province, laws can vary considerably. © Copyright 2012 Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. d/b/a LegalShield℠ One Pre-Paid Way, Ada, Oklahoma 74820 www.mylegalshield.com