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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Farmers Presents Check for $2.5 Million to March of Dimes

Platinum Elite Marketing, which develops many of the Farmers Insurance agents in the Southern California Region, is very proud of Farmers' group effort to fight for the cause of premature babies.  Already this year $2.5 Million has been raised for the March of Dimes.

Reprint from Farmers Insurance

Farmers No. 5 car driver Kasey Kahne, the Farmers No. 5 show car, Extraordinaire hot air balloon and cheering crowds set the scene for the annual Be a Hero for Babies Day pep rally, where employees and volunteers gathered to support the March of Dimes. 

“An event like Be a Hero for Babies Day really speaks to the power of the work we do both as individuals and as members of this great organization,” said Head of Operations David Travers. “Once again, the Farmers family came together to support the March of Dimes — and with fantastic results.” 

March of Dimes Chair of Trustees LaVerne H. Council also spoke at the event, praising Farmers’ passion for the cause. 

“It doesn’t take millions of people to make a difference, but a few who really believe in the power of change. And that’s exactly the kind of people that Farmers agents and employees are. I feel blessed,” she said. 

This year, Farmers raised an astounding $2.5 million for the March of Dimes. 

Shalini and Shane Wootstruck, parents of the 2012 March of Dimes Ambassador Kieran Wootstruck, 6, was more than appreciative. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Home Safety: Grilling & BBQ Safety

Platinum Elite Marketing wishes you a happy, and safe, holiday this coming 4th of July.  While we think of safety with fireworks, don't forget a lot more people will be grilling than shooting off fireworks.

Be careful so you can enjoy the summer.

Re-Print from WIBW.Com:

Grilling Safety:

· Only use the grill outdoors; position the grill well away from siding, deck railings, out from under eaves and overhanging branches and a safe distance from lawn games, play areas and foot traffic.

· Keep children and pets away from the grill area by declaring a 3-foot "kid-free zone" around the grill.

· Be careful when using lighter fluid. Do not add fluid to an already lit fire because flames can flashback up into the container and explode.

· Do not wear loose clothing while cooking at a grill.

· When cooking food, use long-handled grilling tools to give plenty of clearance from heat and flames. Periodically remove grease or fat buildup in trays below the grill so it cannot be ignited when the grill is hot.

· Keep all matches and lighters away from children. Teach your children to report any loose matches or lighters to an adult immediately. Supervise children around outdoor grills.

· Dispose of hot coals properly - douse them with plenty of water, and stir them to ensure that the fire is out. Never place them in plastic, paper or wooden containers.

· If you smell gas while cooking on a propane gas grill, immediately get away from the grill and call the fire department. Do not attempt to move the grill.

· Never store propane cylinders in buildings or garages. If you store a gas grill inside during the winter, disconnect the cylinder and leave it outside.