In October of 2011, at the Platinum Elite Headquarters several Farmers Insurance Agents, and others, completed the third classroom stage in their advancement towards their LUTCF Designation. This course was on Business Insurance; helping business owners protect their precious assets and accumulate wealth.
Advanced education and sharpening of skills is a key characteristic of an Insurance Professionals focused on improving the lives of their clients.
The next LUTCF class will start January 27th, 2012, focusing on Retirement Planning. The course unites various topics such as Saving and Investing with Qualified Plans, Life Insurances, taxes, and several Government programs than our clients need to use to secure their futures.
Whether a client lives well into retirement, or dies prematurely, planning with a well trained professional is a necessity.
The "Life Underwriter's Training Council Fellow" (LUTCF) is a designation sponsored by the American College.
The American College and the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) jointly confer the LUTC Fellow (LUTCF) designation, which has been earned by more than 68,000 professionals. (Source: The American College)
The LUTCF designation helps agents to better analyze a client's needs making sure they address each risk a family, or business, faces with the proper insurance policy. A focus on suitability is one of the characteristics that differentiates a superior insurance agent from an average insurance agent.
A superior life insurance agent develops a long-term professional relationship with their client. While property insurance is often a short-term protection issue, life insurance planning is a matter of long-term (advanced) planning.
A life insurance agent is only successful if their clients are ultimately successful in getting their children to college and to a secure retirement. With or without the death of a spouse these are still the goals.
When the program is complete, each agent will carry the LUTCF designation behind their names on their business cards reminding them, and their clients, that they committed their time and focused on becoming the best agent they can be. They will remember that their clients' financial health is important enough to them to dedicate their efforts to earn this degree.

1011 Camino del Rio South
Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108
Kevin Tuckey - 858-751-1357
* The content of this blog is for informative purposes only. It does not reflect official standing of any agent, agency, or company mentioned on the blog. Nor is this blog necessarilly an endorsement. Please consult with your insurance, tax, or legal specialist before making any decisions. This blog is purely meant to spark the thought process.