Weathering Disaster: Weather Channel Series To Profile Farmers Catastrophe Response
OK, maybe we won't be the next Kardashians or even the next "Pawn Stars", but the new series will definitely be entertaining and educational. Using the drama of real life, viewers will learn how to be better prepared if a natural disaster strikes their hometown, and be assured that if it does, there will be someone there to help with the recover.

We all know that when natural disasters strike, no one in the industry responds as well as Farmers. An upcoming six-episode series on The Weather Channel will focus on Farmers’ catastrophe buses, as well as our responses to tornadoes, firestorms and hurricanes.
Click HERE for some trailers of the series.
Click HERE for some trailers of the series.
The series, Weathering Disaster, will focus on individual families affected by disasters, and show how Farmers helps them through the rebuilding process.
What’s more, numerous Farmers agents and claims team members were filmed as they helped customers through the recovery process. “One of our goals in partnering with The Weather Channel on this series was to showcase the real-life heroic efforts of the Farmers agents and catastrophe response employees who help our customers through the recovery process,” says Kristina Ferrin, advertising manager.
“The Weather Channel is a perfect fit for Farmers, and, in addition to our original programs, we will also have various promotional elements and an advertising presence on The Weather Channel’s online and mobile sites.” Additional promotional components include a Weathering Disaster web page where visitors can view the episodes after they air, as well as "promercials" and vignettes shown on the channel.
The shows will air repeatedly throughout late September and October, with initial airings of each on Saturdays from September 17-October 22. Check your local listings for air times in your area.
Here are some of our past blogs about avoid, preparing for, and recovering from various emergencies and disasters. Please take a few minutes to look them over and make sure you are prepared. Your physical and financial safety is our primary concern.
Maintain a defensible zone around your home
Pet micro-chipping before disasters occur
Insurance Company Emergency Response Vehicles
Should I get Earthquake Insurance?
A look back at the Wildfires of 2007
The Tornadoes of 2011
The March of Dimes & Farmers Insurance unite in wake of the Alabama Tornadoes
Getting Ready for claims after accidents and disasters
Disaster Preparedness: Resources and Websites
Preparing for disasters when space and money is limited (includes Red Cross info)
Lessons from Hurricane Irene.
Lessons learned from the wide spread power outage of September, 2011.
Always make sure your auto, fire (home, condo, & renters), earthquake, flood, umbrella, and life insurances all properly work together to protect your home, your business, your family, your future.
From the Platinum Elite Team:
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* The content of this blog is for informative purposes only. It does not reflect official standing of any agent, agency, or company mentioned on the blog. Nor is this blog necessarilly an endorsement. Please consult with your insurance, tax, or legal specialist before making any decisions. This blog is purely meant to spark the thought process.