Every year, Jeff Gelder produces a "Holiday Magic" music CD for the benefit of Children in the hospital during the Christmas season. Going into it's tenth year, the "gift" continues to grow. The CD's are now distributed to Children's Hospitals beyond just San Diego.

Here's last year's Blog about the 2011 CD.
This year Jeff's holding a "Food Tasting & Silent Auction" this Saturday, December 8th, from 5 to 8pm at Casa de Luz.
For more info, like on Facebook.
Auction items include:
Disneyland Park Hopper tickets, Sea World Tickets, artwork by local artists, hand crafted jewelry, and dinners at local restaurants.
Celebrity appearances include Nichelle Nichols of Star Trek fame, Marian Michaels, Ashley Fox Linton, Teri Wilder, Peggy Lebo, and Karl Anthony.
“We appreciate all donations! The more donations the more children that will be receiving a CD.” - source: www.holidaymagiccd.org
Thank you, and Merry Christmas.
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