In the classic comedy, The Pink Panther Strikes Again, Inspector Clouseau asks the innkeeper at the front desk, “Does your dog bite?” to which the man replies, “No.”
Inspector Clouseau then reaches down to pet the dog, which immediately attacks and bites him.
“I thought you said your dog does not bite?”, Clouseau asks, turning to the man.
“That is not my dog,” the man replies.

Naturally, many of these injuries result in lawsuits when it's not your dog that does the biting, and especially if a child is involved. And when there's a lawyer, often an insurance company needs to get involved.
"A dog-bite (insurance) claim costs $26,166 on average in 2010, up from $24,840 in 2009."
Avoiding the Dog Bite is of benefit to everyone involved: the victim, the owner of the dog, and even the dog who could be put down.
originally published on Farmers Friendly Voice.
What can a dog owner do?
- Carefully consider your pet selection — Your veterinarian is a great source of information about behavior and suitability. Remember to consider who visits you as well as who lives in your household. If you have grandchildren, nieces, nephews or friends with children, you’ll probably want a dog that’s good with children.
- Make sure your pet is socialized — Start to expose your puppy or adopted dog to a variety of situations; try to do it a little at a time, under controlled circumstances. Continue until your dog appears comfortable around people and other animals.
- Neuter your pet — Neutered dogs are less aggressive and less likely to bite.
- Train your dog — Teaching your dog basic commands such as “sit” or “stay” can develop obedience and help to build a bond of trust.
- Keep your dog healthy — Have your dog vaccinated against rabies and preventable infectious diseases, and see your vet on a regular basis.
- Be alert — Know your dog and watch for signs that your dog may be uncomfortable or feel threatened.
Preventing dog bites
Although any dog can bite, dog bites are largely preventable. Learn how to play it safe, and teach your children basic dog safety rules:
- Don’t approach an unfamiliar dog
- Don’t run from a dog and don’t scream
- When approached by an unfamiliar dog, remain motionless
- If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and lie still
- Don’t play with a dog unless given permission and supervised by an adult
- Immediately report stray dogs to an adult
- Avoid direct eye contact with a dog
- Don’t disturb a dog who is sleeping, eating or caring for puppies
- Don’t pet a dog without allowing it to see and sniff you first
- If bitten, immediately report the bite to an adult
end of article
Read my previous blog on Pet Safety & Micro-Chipping.
The Platinum Elite Group cares about the safety of its customers and clients, and the public in general. A part of loving your pets is keeping them safe and away from doing harm to others when they get scared. Securing your property keeps everyone safe.
The Platinum Elite Group cares about the safety of its customers and clients, and the public in general. A part of loving your pets is keeping them safe and away from doing harm to others when they get scared. Securing your property keeps everyone safe.
Always make sure your auto, fire (home, condo, & renters), earthquake, flood, umbrella, and life insurances all properly work together to protect your home, your business, your family, your future.
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Susanne Romo - Chula Vista & Kearny Mesa (license #: 0720743) - (858) 751-0956
Araceli De La Torre - Kearny Mesa (license #: 0G17321) - (858) 751-0956
Kevin Tuckey - Mission Valley (license #: 0B72553) - (858) 751-1357
Tony Gutierrez - La Jolla (license #: 0A87116) - (858) 751-0956
3675 Ruffin Rd.
Suite 220
San Diego, CA 92123
San Diego, CA 92123
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* The content of this blog is for informative purposes only. It does not reflect official standing of any agent, agency, or company mentioned on the blog. Nor is this blog necessarilly an endorsement. Please consult with your insurance, tax, or legal specialist before making any decisions. This blog is purely meant to spark the thought process.