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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Public Safety: CPR Makes You UNDEAD

Who says you can't learn something serious in a fun way.

Learning CPR will help you protect your loved ones.  (still get life insurance too.)

If you don't take an actual class, still know the basics.

With the recent popularity of zombies and TV shows like THE WALKING DEAD, let zombies teach you what they know best...coming back to life.

Thank you to theUndeading.ca and the the HEART & STROKE FOUNDATION.

* The content of this blog is for informative purposes only. It does not reflect official standing of any agent, agency, or company mentioned on the blog. Nor is this blog necessarily an endorsement. Please consult with your insurance, tax, or legal specialist before making any decisions. This blog is purely meant to spark the thought process.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Motorcycle Safety: Avoid the Middle of the Lane

One way to keep your rates down and stay safe, just avoid accidents completely.

Debris builds up in the middle of the lane.


* The content of this blog is for informative purposes only. It does not reflect official standing of any agent, agency, or company mentioned on the blog. Nor is this blog necessarilly an endorsement. Please consult with your insurance, tax, or legal specialist before making any decisions. This blog is purely meant to spark the thought process.